Sunday Service April 19, 2020
Good Morning Salem Church, I am so thankful for each of you and your willingness to try new ways to stay connected as we live through these unprecedented times. I am looking forward to studying with you today during our “zoom” Bible Study at 10:00am. We are walking through Paul’s letter the Romans with today’s […]
Worship for Easter Sunday – April 12, 2020
Happy Easter Salem Church. Our Sanctuary like the tomb of Christ is empty today. Still, our hearts are full of hope for today as we celebrate the resurrection of Christ, we know that nothing can separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord. I look forward to studying God’s word together […]
Palm Sunday 4-5-2020
Palm Sunday Message – Mark 15:25-39 Greeting Salem Church. I look forward to connecting with you for Bible Study today at 10:00am. I also invite us to unite our hearts in worship today and offer to you the following service outline. I have recorded a message from Mark 15:25-39. We continue to journey through this […]