Get Involved
Weekly Newsletter, the Salem Connection
Believing in Jesus
- Sunday worship 11am
- Sunday School 9:45am
- Seasonal Bible Studies and religious studies institutes (offered during fall & spring)
- Choir and handbells practice
Belonging for All
- Quilting Circle, Wednesday’s 9am-2pm
- United Methodist Men breakfast, 3rd Saturday 7am
- United Women in Faith fellowship, 1st Monday 7pm
- Fellowship dinners with activities (trivia, bingo, crafts, missions) 1st Wednesday 6pm
- (returning in Fall 2024) Tai Chi class, Thursday’s 6:30PM (except 2nd Thursday’s)
- Annual events such as our famous BBQ, craft fair, yard sale
Bringing Love to our Neighbors
- Prepare and serve dinner at Veteran’s Restoration Quarters, 4th Friday 5pm
- Group volunteering opportunities with ministry partners such as MANNA Food Bank, ABCCM, local schools, and other UMC agencies
- Weekly collection for ABCCM Crisis Ministry
- Seasonal collections for ministry partners
- Technology tutoring, 3rd Tuesday’s 2-4pm
Want to be involved in the life of the church?
Check out our Facebook page for the most up-to-date information and message us there or on the contact form here.
Special Services
- Christmas Eve Service (9:00 PM)
- Ash Wednesday Service (12:15 PM) 2024