Dear Salem family,
The past week has been catastrophic for our neighbors, friends, and families. Entire towns have disappeared, resources have become scarce, and information access is sparse. Now that I have reliable cell signal, I’ve come to you to update you on the general state of affairs in Asheville—at this time, I have been unable to gather significant and reliable information about Weaverville—and to check in with you all. I also want to update you on what the United Methodist Church is doing in this time.
- As you are well aware, our region is in ruins. Recovery is expected to take years, not months. While power is quickly being restored by tireless teams of line workers from across the country, clean water will not come back to Asheville until possibly early November. Please prioritize clean water storage, wise rationing, and sanitary disposal of bodily waste.
- Access to travel is still somewhat of an unknown in many places, but if you are able to leave the area and shelter with family or friends elsewhere, I strongly recommend that you do so.
- The United Methodist Committee On Relief has established a supply base for Buncombe County at Covenant Community UMC (11 Rocket Drive, Asheville). I am working with them and other area churches to establish satellite bases of supply for affected areas. If you are interested in volunteering with this effort or any others supported by the WNC Annual Conference, please text me at 864.934.7175. Oakley UMC will be one of these supply bases, beginning Friday the 4th at noon.
- Conference funding has been approved for $2m, to be distributed to local churches in our affected areas. The Conference is looking out for us here, and the Bishop is praying for us all as he works to support our recovery in other ways.
- Please contact one another and me to alert each other of our safety and needs. As above, text messaging is the most reliable at this time for all of us. My number is 864.934.7175
Friends, we are the hands and feet of Christ. He is serious about us loving our neighbor as ourselves. I am proud to report that our community out here has stepped up to do just that. We fed over 400 hungry people at OUMC yesterday, we are establishing supply bases all over the area in the coming days; I have been honored to house refugees and volunteers alike. We are the Church—we do not hold back the love of God for his suffering children, and I am so proud to be your pastor.
In the Name of the One Who Calms Storms,
Rev. Jordan Durham