United Methodist Prayer for Families

In the United Methodist calendar, May is designated as Christian Home Month. Many churches such as Salem UMC can offer resources to help families on their spiritual journeys, including this prayer for families written by MaryJane Pierce Norton.


Gracious God, who created all of humankind and showed to us the importance of relationships with one another,

we commend to your care all the families of our community and our world.

We pray that each home may be a home where love is felt.

We pray for homes where, instead of love, hurt, abuse, and

suffering abide.

We pray for children, youth, and adults, recognizing the importance of and the gift of every age as we


May your grace be present to all.

Grant us wisdom to know where there is no love, courage to act out of love for others, and peace to trust in your grace.

Help us to live so that the commandments of love for you and love for others are shown in the ways we live together.



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