“Anyone can be a father, but it takes someone special to be a Dad“
We will be be serving fresh breakfast brunch, hot coffee and juice before the Sunday service (10:45 AM) for all the fathers (and special father figures) in our lives.
Below are some wonderful creative ways to show appreciation for your father:
- Frame a special handwritten note or tribute.
- Even little ones can give Dad a unique note with printed letters or crayon-colored pictures. Adult children may want to give their father an actual tribute.
- Take some time to retrieve some specific memories of things you did with your Dad, which you remember but he may not. Reflect on them: what was important, significant, fun or memorable about them?
- Write those specific memories in a letter. If your father is nearby, take him to lunch (or breakfast). Let him read the letter and then talk together about those specific memories.
- If your father does not live nearby, send him the letter and follow it up with a phone call.
- If he is gone visit his final resting place and pray with him there.
And of course, you, your father and your family are invited to attend our special Father’s Day celebration.